Crystal Lewis - Healing Oil Lyrics

Healing Oil Lyrics

Lord I am tired
I'm losing sleep
I stuggle with breathing
It overwhelms me
Lord I am thirsty
I don't want to eat
My body is aching
For peace
I'd like to run again
Or even just walk
Or just see the ocean
One more time
Lord I look forward
To sit at your feet
I know what you'll do for me when we meet

I can feel your healing oil
Running down my brow
I wouldn't trade another lifetime
For how I feel right now
(repeat chorus)

Lord I am weary
I know that you're near
Take care of my family
While we're apart
And I thank you for giving me
This life that I've had
Now I look for the comfort
Of your arms

Healing Oil Video

Healing Oil Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Healing Oil" by Crystal Lewis is a heartfelt Christian song that resonates with those seeking solace, restoration, and spiritual healing. Inspired by the message of God's love and grace, this song offers comfort to weary souls, reminding them of the transformative power of God's healing touch.

I. The Inspiration Behind "Healing Oil":

It serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, God's healing touch can restore our strength and bring us comfort.

II. The Message of "Healing Oil":

"Healing Oil" encapsulates the longing for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The song acknowledges the weariness and pain felt by individuals who are seeking relief from their burdens. It highlights the deep desire to encounter God's presence and experience His transformative power in their lives.

III. The Biblical Foundation of "Healing Oil":

1. Psalm 147:3 (NIV):
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

This verse establishes the foundation for the song's theme of divine healing. It reminds us that God is the ultimate source of healing and restoration for our broken hearts and wounded spirits.

2. Isaiah 53:5 (NIV):
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed."

This verse beautifully portrays the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, who bore our sins and wounds on the cross. It emphasizes that through His wounds, we find spiritual healing and the peace that surpasses all understanding.

IV. The Meaning of "Healing Oil":

"Healing Oil" is a deeply personal and evocative song that captures the essence of human vulnerability and the longing for divine intervention. The lyrics express weariness, physical pain, and the desire for relief, while acknowledging that true healing can only come from God. The imagery of oil represents the anointing of the Holy Spirit, symbolizing God's presence and power to heal and restore.

V. Exploring the Lyrics:

1. "Lord, I am tired, I'm losing sleep":
These opening lyrics convey a sense of exhaustion and weariness, reflecting the emotional and physical strain experienced by the individual. The desire for rest and peace is palpable.

2. "I struggle with breathing, it overwhelms me":
This line depicts the weight of burdens that can felt physically and emotionally. It speaks to the suffocating impact of pain and hardship, emphasizing the need for healing.

3. "Lord, I am thirsty, I don't want to eat":
These lyrics capture the loss of appetite and desire for sustenance that often accompanies physical and emotional distress. The individual yearns for refreshment and nourishment.

4. "My body is aching for peace":
This line expresses the longing for relief from physical pain and discomfort. It conveys the deep desire for inner peace and tranquility.

5. "I'd like to run again or even just walk":
These lyrics symbolize the longing for freedom and mobility, representing a desire to regain strength and vitality. It reflects the hope for restoration and the restoration of a sense of normalcy.

6. "Or just see the ocean one more time":
This line evokes a longing for beauty, serenity, and awe-inspiring moments. It signifies a desire to experience the wonders of creation, appreciating the healing power of nature.

7. "Lord, I look forward to sit at your feet":
This verse expresses a longing for intimacy with God, suggesting that finding solace and healing in His presence is the ultimate desire. It reflects the hope of finding rest and restoration in His embrace.

VI. Related Tags:

- Christian songs about healing
- Restoring peace through faith
- Songs of solace and comfort
- God's healing touch in music
- Biblical inspiration for healing
- The power of divine intervention
- Seeking spiritual renewal
- Encountering God's presence
- Overcoming weariness through faith
- Finding strength in God's love

VII. Conclusion:

"Healing Oil" by Crystal Lewis is a powerful Christian song that resonates with individuals seeking spiritual healing and restoration. Its heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition serve as a reminder of God's transformative power and His ability to bring comfort and solace to those in need. Inspired by the biblical references to God's healing touch, the song encourages listeners to seek His presence and find rest in His love and grace. May this anthem of hope and faith inspire you to embrace the healing oil of God's love in your own life. Healing Oil Lyrics -  Crystal Lewis

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